Robotic Exploration of Bile Duct

Learn about Dr. Sucandy's Approach To Robotic Exploration of The Bile Duct

Robotic Exploration of Bile DuctSurgical exploration of the bile duct to remove debris or stones causing obstructive jaundice is needed when endoscopic or percutaneous approach fails. Traditionally, this operation is done through an open approach. In the area of minimally invasive surgery, Robotic Bile Duct Exploration can be done without creating a large open incision to minimize postoperative complications.

During the Bile Duct Exploration , a small endoscope is inserted into the bile duct to visualize the debris or stones. Once the debris or stones are visualized, a retrieval basket can be inserted through this small endoscope to remove them. This procedure requires advances surgical and endoscopic skills, often not available in many community hospitals.

Dr. Iswanto Sucandy has significant experience in performing Bile Duct Exploration using minimally invasively robotic surgical system with excellent outcomes. He had been invited to present at the Americas Hepatopancreatobiliary Association Congress on technique of this operation using the robotic Bile Duct Exploration approach.

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With Dr. Iswanto Sucandy, MD